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Sometimes it feels like I never grew up all the way. Like, my emotions get stuck in my body and I can’t process them quick enough to respond to whatever the situation it is...then I sit there looking and feeling stupid (because feelings are hard to process, man).
I was 5 years old when my mother was killed by a drunk driver. I learned that life could be lost at any moment and that the wave of death sends ripples through the living, and changes life as it passes through.
I never fully recovered from my experience of losing her, I buried my feelings and her memories with her body because it was easier to not to feel however it was that I was feeling.
My mom was gone, and there was nothing I could do about it; I just moved on.
When I turned 23 and graduated with a BFA, I made work that spoke about her absence in my life. I was an adult, memorializing the loss I took as a child, but I still didn’t even try to remember her.
As I enter into a new stage of life (one that presents opportunities such as marriage and children of my own), I’m reflecting on my relationship with my mom and I'm finding myself yearning to know and remember her.
I know she’s dead, lol. She's been dead for 20 years. But I think it’s time for me to dig up those memories that I’ve kept buried, and meet my mom.
It’s my hope that during this showing those who loved her will remember her. And this time around, I’m taking her with me everywhere I go.
Her name is Lorrie Ann Macanas Wiley.
A loving friend, mother, wife, sister, and daughter.
I miss her every day.
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